Hello my name is Arthur and it is my passion to help people like you find the miracles that they need of in their life.
You are probably wondering who I am and what my qualifications and College degrees that I have earned that gives me the authority to teach you all about miracles?
Let me be 100% honest with you.
I am basically no one special in the eyes of those that are looking for a pile of credentials to back up my academic education on miracles.
I will spill the beans. As far as my education goes, I don't even know how I graduated from high school. I went all the way through school without reading or completing a single book.
Some might have labeled me as deselect and others the class clown. My dream in high school was only about the day that I didn't have to attend school ever again. School was very challenging and humiliating for me to say the least. Anything that had to do with spelling, reading, writing or business literally made me sick to my stomach and I wanted to run in the opposite direction.
Running in this other direction also had its ill effects on my life.
I was raised by a mother and multiple step fathers and ended up hanging out with you might say, "the wrong crowd." Without going into great detail my life was starting to following a pattern that would eventually end me up behind bars like much of my family if something didn't change.
So without being able to read or write above a 2nd of 3rd grade level and my challenging up bringing and negative influences; I came from the most humble beginnings.
At the age of 22 I piled all that could fit into the back of my truck and left Colorado behind and headed to the golden state of California.
It was in California I would begin my new and happy life.
At least that is what my plan was but California did not start out very golden for me. My life continued to get worse and worse. I lost much of what I had but there was one thing I did not loose. In fact, I didn't even know that I had it in the first place. It was that little tiny mustard seed of faith. I was at the age of 22 when someone showed me that I possessed it and I was also taught how to activate it and work with it instead of working against it.
Almost instantly miracles started showing up in my life. It started changing me from the inside out.
It changed the way I thought and also the things that I did. I was so incredibly happy to learn that this little mustard seed idea could move giant mountains in my life. And boy did it ever! It seemed that every thing in my life was changing. I was a single man at that time and in just matter of weeks the most beautiful woman came into my life and I married her. With four children and almost 30 years later our love only gets sweeter and stronger as time swishes bye. (No kidding!)
I also started to face the things in my life that I feared most. I actually started a business on my own. And now almost 30 years later it is still running successfully. Who would have ever thought?
Not that it is easy, because it was not. But it was possible. Like as the mustard seed so clearly points out that, "it's possible!"
I forced myself to read even though many times it seemed like none of the sentences made any since to me, but I did it any way. Today it is now much easier to read and I think I am starting to enjoy it.
I have a very good life to say the least.
I am not here to brag or boost on how happy or successful I am but only to share with you "that if you can only believe, all things are possible if you can only believe."
There is so much to share with you about this little mustard seed and what it can also do for you. Miracles happen almost daily for me and there is no reason why it shouldn't be the same for you.
Though some could say that I was not dealt a good set of cards in my youth. I believe that now I am truly blessed above all men. I have learned that it isn't the cards that you are dealt but rather what you do with the tiny little mustard seed that you were given.
The same seed that most people don't even know that they have.
Take a walk down this road with me and let me expose this tiny seed in your life.
Let me show you how it works and how to use it to reach miracles.
There are miracles waiting for you to just reach out and grasp.
I will point out how to spot a miracle and how to draw them to you. I will also show you how to activate them so that they will come alive in your life.
I will not only show you what to do but also what not to do and what blocks you from receiving access.
There is no cost for what I am given to you. I didn't pay for all the miracles that I have received in my life.
This is my lifes purpose and my desire is to share this joy and bliss with as many people as I can and hope in return that others will pass it on.
Are you ready to start down the path to reaching your miracle?
Let's get going.
Reach out right now and follow the link below.
You are probably wondering who I am and what my qualifications and College degrees that I have earned that gives me the authority to teach you all about miracles?
Let me be 100% honest with you.
I am basically no one special in the eyes of those that are looking for a pile of credentials to back up my academic education on miracles.
I will spill the beans. As far as my education goes, I don't even know how I graduated from high school. I went all the way through school without reading or completing a single book.
Some might have labeled me as deselect and others the class clown. My dream in high school was only about the day that I didn't have to attend school ever again. School was very challenging and humiliating for me to say the least. Anything that had to do with spelling, reading, writing or business literally made me sick to my stomach and I wanted to run in the opposite direction.
Running in this other direction also had its ill effects on my life.
I was raised by a mother and multiple step fathers and ended up hanging out with you might say, "the wrong crowd." Without going into great detail my life was starting to following a pattern that would eventually end me up behind bars like much of my family if something didn't change.
So without being able to read or write above a 2nd of 3rd grade level and my challenging up bringing and negative influences; I came from the most humble beginnings.
At the age of 22 I piled all that could fit into the back of my truck and left Colorado behind and headed to the golden state of California.
It was in California I would begin my new and happy life.
At least that is what my plan was but California did not start out very golden for me. My life continued to get worse and worse. I lost much of what I had but there was one thing I did not loose. In fact, I didn't even know that I had it in the first place. It was that little tiny mustard seed of faith. I was at the age of 22 when someone showed me that I possessed it and I was also taught how to activate it and work with it instead of working against it.
Almost instantly miracles started showing up in my life. It started changing me from the inside out.
It changed the way I thought and also the things that I did. I was so incredibly happy to learn that this little mustard seed idea could move giant mountains in my life. And boy did it ever! It seemed that every thing in my life was changing. I was a single man at that time and in just matter of weeks the most beautiful woman came into my life and I married her. With four children and almost 30 years later our love only gets sweeter and stronger as time swishes bye. (No kidding!)
I also started to face the things in my life that I feared most. I actually started a business on my own. And now almost 30 years later it is still running successfully. Who would have ever thought?
Not that it is easy, because it was not. But it was possible. Like as the mustard seed so clearly points out that, "it's possible!"
I forced myself to read even though many times it seemed like none of the sentences made any since to me, but I did it any way. Today it is now much easier to read and I think I am starting to enjoy it.
I have a very good life to say the least.
I am not here to brag or boost on how happy or successful I am but only to share with you "that if you can only believe, all things are possible if you can only believe."
There is so much to share with you about this little mustard seed and what it can also do for you. Miracles happen almost daily for me and there is no reason why it shouldn't be the same for you.
Though some could say that I was not dealt a good set of cards in my youth. I believe that now I am truly blessed above all men. I have learned that it isn't the cards that you are dealt but rather what you do with the tiny little mustard seed that you were given.
The same seed that most people don't even know that they have.
Take a walk down this road with me and let me expose this tiny seed in your life.
Let me show you how it works and how to use it to reach miracles.
There are miracles waiting for you to just reach out and grasp.
I will point out how to spot a miracle and how to draw them to you. I will also show you how to activate them so that they will come alive in your life.
I will not only show you what to do but also what not to do and what blocks you from receiving access.
There is no cost for what I am given to you. I didn't pay for all the miracles that I have received in my life.
This is my lifes purpose and my desire is to share this joy and bliss with as many people as I can and hope in return that others will pass it on.
Are you ready to start down the path to reaching your miracle?
Let's get going.
Reach out right now and follow the link below.